• Automating an un-automatable access issue

    This is a “face-palm – why didn’t we think of this earlier?” situation that I thought I’d share. Maybe it will help someone else.

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  • Trump's COVID-19 Test

    I learned that President Reagan was shot while walking home from school. I was about a block away from my house and I remember running the whole way home.

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  • Which option to pick?

    If you have zero knowledge and need to make a decision, here’s some advice.

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  • Working at home with dogs

    Most of my company works remote, and with C-19 we are now all working remotely.

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  • Million Dollar Computer-Controlled Drilling Machines

    When I was in 8th grade I got a job working for a small company that was a reseller of electronic drilling and measuring equipment. I was just the office boy… mostly doing paperwork, shipping, and occasional data-entry.

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  • Demo Data as Code

    Have you been asked to generate data for a demo system? Here’s some advice.

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  • Creating The Demo Disk

    Creating a software demo is like creating a TV commercial. You should structure the project that way.

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Tom Limoncelli

Tom Limoncelli

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