• Those Two Dozen Republicans Should Be Arrested

    When the two-dozen GOP senators disrupted Laura Cooper’s deposition, they didn’t just create a publicity stunt… they created a security hole that every spy agency in the world could take advantage of.

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  • This is crap: Trump Economic Advisers Dismiss Fears of a Brewing Recession

    Today’s CNN headline is “Trump economic advisers dismiss fears of a brewing recession” (link).

    What crap.

    If they were honest they’d be saying:

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  • Daylight Savings Time is a socialist plot!

    Did you know that DST was first proposed by socialists?

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  • My offer to Jeff Bezos to bring HQ2 back to NYC

    Reporters say that NY Gov Cuomo is calling Jeff Bezos begging him to reconsider.

    I’m sure he’s offering even MORE concessions.

    Here’s what I would do as governor:

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  • A template for sending letters to Congress

    I just made it a LOT easier to write letters to my representatives.

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  • The Ends Dont Justify the Means

    (This was originally written in response to someone pointing out all the unethical things the GOP did to gerrymander the US to the point where we are no longer a democracy.)

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  • The Lazy Libertarian

    I have no more patience for the “lazy libertarians”.

    A lazy libertarian responds to everything with one of 3 messages:

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  • Stop Problems When They Are Small

    If you don’t stop problems when they’re small, you f— it up in historically catastrophic ways.

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  • Marketing Beats Campaigning

    (Originally posted on Facebook, Nov 9, 2016)

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  • Congress, PDFs, and CSVs

    The Sunlight Foundation spent years meeting with congresspeople trying to convince them to pass laws to get various government data (fundraising domains, government contracts and spending, etc.) published electronically.

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  • 30 Years Ago I Became an Activist

    (Originally posted to Facebook on October 11, 2017)

    Today is the 30th anniversary of the day I became an activist. Today in 1987 I went to the 2nd March On Washington for Gay and Lesbian Rights. I drove down with four other students crammed in Joellen’s ludicrously bright orange station wagon. At the time I didn’t consider myself an activist; I wasn’t even calling myself bisexual at the time. I was just going to be supportive.

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  • Political Predictions for 2017

    Constitutional Convention

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Tom Limoncelli

Tom Limoncelli

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